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The partition theorem says that if Bn is a partition of the sample space then EX = X n EXjBnP(Bn) Now suppose that X and Y are discrete RV’s If y is in the range of Y then Y = y is a event with nonzero probability, so we can use it as the B in the above. ä ý ?0>Þ>Ø>â>Ü>Ü ?0>Þ>Ø>ã>Ý>ã>Ý>ß>Ý>Ü. Prepared by M S KumarSwamy, TGT(Maths) Page 4 29 A teacher asks the student to collect the marks of the students in Maths Periodic Test out of 50.
Y ø ù ñ G S r è Y P ì C H 10 likes អ្នកលេងស្រី Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. The Journal by I S È Y D U R E E focusses on photography, film, sartorialistism, architecture &. J u ¸ Ö ç a D Ê Þ ü I s k _ ó ¤ J u F ¸ Ö µ É Ê Þ ü I s _ È è ¤ ¥ Ö 7 Ö u Ö J u ¬ 3 Ø Â $ y ¤$ ¥ ì e Ê Þ ü I s ö ¨ x  è$ y ¤% ¥ J u G ÿ 8 ö ¨ x  è%& y ¤& ¥ ì e Ê Þ ü I s.
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