Vg Y P Efu
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Title AFU Flyers Author Sarah Hubner Created Date 3/3/21 1035 PM. 9 1 / ;. V e r m o n t C o n fe r e n c e (U C C ) p r a y e r i n i ti a ti v e F a l l 2 0 2 0 D a y 7 (W e d , O ct o b e r 2 1 ) “A n I n w a rd l o o k” b y P a st o r D o u g C a me ro n S c r i p tu r e fo c u s T h e re a re si x t h i n g s t h a t t h e L o rd h a t e s, se ve n t h a t a re.
* , , / 0 1 ( 2 ) '!. D a vi d S S t e p h e n s, MD C h a i r D e p a rt me n t o f Me d i ci n e J a d a B u s s e y J o n e s , MD V i ce C h a i r D i ve rsi t y, E q u i t y, I n cl u si o n K i m b e r l y D Ma n n i n g , MD. / , 1 ) 3 7 < = > ?.
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