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1/02/15 · l I neipies Principio da extensão (Ratzel) O fenômeno ocorre em uma área delimitada um ” u u ~ 1 v 0 mapa da pacrfrcaçao v l rnuncnu PL( n shut 67 Pro Mamonas um¡ o macas fo amount¡ ' " 'É' ' “A 9°'°¡°Ú0 »Juruti “M” Uflt. U L 3 5 ¥ I E ÆÆ 6 (35(6) (05), 731 ¨ 737) þ §22 = u ê þ 7 I < 3 J Ñ ´ d = u ê ξ(G) V g , þ ξ(G) ≤ (n−1)(n−2) · Ï L y ² ê Ø (J Ñ # þ, ∆ = n −1 Ò ´ 7 I < ½ n 23 é u n, Ý ∆ ã G, ξ(G) ≤ (n−1)(n −2)− 2n−2−∆ 1 n−1 ∆ n−1 ∆ 5. }>*GL18>30m · K Z 8 \ I S>, S T K>* G v I.
28/06/03 · In this paper, we re‐investigate the unsymmetric radial basis function (RBF) collocation method for solving convection–diffusion problems with high Péclet number as in Power and Barraco (Computers and Mathematics with Applications 02;. µ Æ ´ 50 Æ¢ 40 Ãc Íp z h m£ 45db < 7w/68va < Äåïµèµ mÜ × µ ¬k ip65 ì p 80 Ë 100 Ë z f¢´,µ £· 8 z f¢ u,v,w £ z f¢ 1 ã k s` Úµ» ¢ "£Ø¿«µ eouambx03l eoucgw03 ¢ å _ c ' £ rs µ 485 3250w 50w 1000v 0750v/500v 0750v 0v 8 10a ~ ì 3 ¢Ü ÕÄ«ç !. 40 40 k 30 30.
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