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P fba ou. ̑升 ƒn 惁 f B A ߂ 铮 (12) D 1980 N `05 N ̖k C ɂ V s ̕ϓ (11) D ꌧ Îs ɂ n 掆 S j \ i10 N j w ÐV x p i08 N j ܂Ł\ (09) D. In mathematics, the image of a function is the set of all output values it may produce More generally, evaluating a given function f at each element of a given subset A of its domain produces a set, called the "image of A under (or through) f"Similarly, the inverse image (or preimage) of a given subset B of the codomain of f, is the set of all elements of the domain that map to the. Bildungswege in BadenWürttemberg WissensWertes für eltern Abschlüsse und Anschlüsse Schuljahr 18/19.
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