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Share your videos with friends, family, and the world. û4S H Ê ` ¡ %?#Õ Ý 8 N s &>5 *>'5 968b ° ä U c z ( 0ê y ^#ã 8b 5 î p £ É ¡) ( % § V &i & 1 ¶*¨ û3¶ *> Æ l/°#0 ` Ç /° ± Æ v ?. 2 U h ê 4 y ¼Xb 4 ê Application for Using Smart Identity Card as Identity Card Allowed for Library Purposes î 4 å ` ½ Ý ¨ W Ý Ð % Ä 2 ¤ ` û 1 9 î !.
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Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS and in BLACK INK The applicant is required to produce Smart Identity Card upon submission of the application form. _of _of _of H$ma{H$XuV Zì`m g§Yr cm^Vrc ñWmnË` úmoÌmV AZwHy$cVm amhrc IaoXrMm CËgmh amhrc d¥f^ H$m¡Qw>§{~H$ àíZ h¡amU H$aVrc. Ë Kasumigaura à ¢ £ Ã.
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