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Uae xvg. We need to prove x(u,v) is conformal if and only if E = G and F = 0 By definition, the map x is conformal iff the angles in the u,v plane are equal to the angles in the tangent plane In other words, for any a,b, (a,b)2 = h(u,v)ax u bxv 2 Here h is a positive function on the surface. Rî ¸ G ` rï 3 @ ñ v ` B t o 6 ¢ ú Ý G n ¨ è ¢o¦ ¸ » ` £ 0 ×x Ô `o§ %² ¾ B o ª P k ¨ ¿ G o , Ñ y ´ ô Ñ ¯ C ¸ G ` ¾ ) ® ½o rãrërérâ v W k Q Ärärâ Ä ¼ ÿ Á ê Ë ¸ G ` ¾ ) z ðqçqåqæqé u u g à% d Ö ðqêqåqî g ¾ qìqì ` Ï ¢ Ù Þ4ì ¥ »o Ä. >1 /õ g £'ì 0¿ £ b#Ø 7 #Ý ó b5 >& ì&à>' _ x 8 z >& v>' _ l#Õ >%, È § º @ 9 ç b Ü î Ç Þ µ º ¶6ä 8 s k r k s w0°85/ l g 9 ç h& 1 c t i 8 kwwsv zzz pkoz jr ms vwi vhlvdnxqlwvxlwh exq\d nr\rxburxgrx nr\rx n\ xixnlq sdjh/ kwpo.
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3 the vicinal preorder is linear on X (equivalently on Y);. T _ ¼ y { } ä ë á { Á ² v D ¾ > $ < y ç v j. Nov 03, 10 · Let G = (X, Y;.
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É° µ¦Á¨¸Ê¥ ¸¡ 0650)d d d d ddqdddd d d d d d d d d dd dd d d d Á 3urshuw\ ,qiud )ohleoh 3523,d d d d ddddddq d d d d d d d d dd dd d d d ¦ª oµª »¨ ¦´¡¥r 5%&d d d d dddddddddd ddd q d d qddddd d ddd d dd d d d Á ®»o » ¦·¡´ ¦. 2 there are no x 1, x 2 ∈ X and y 1, y 2 ∈ Y such that x 1 y 1, x 2 y 2 ∈ E and x 1 y 2, x 2 y 1 ∉ E;. Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals For math, science, nutrition, history.
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