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B) Does the answer change if we replace the operator L 1 by the operator L 2, which is is given by. MATH 425, PRACTICE FINAL EXAM SOLUTIONS Exercise 1 a) Is the operator L 1 de ned on smooth functions of (x;y) by L 1(u) = u xx cos(u) linear?. Nov 11, 11 · Resource in LTE FFT Size 4/33 Resource 9 Used Subcarriers 0 Ë » Û ( 0 Ë » Î Å for UL, 0 Ë » ½ Å for DL) System BW MHz 14 3 5 10 15 Resource Blocks z ~ n Û 6 15 25 50 75 100 z ( ¿ B L s w * V / ¿ B L y ä w * V).
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