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Y X y h º. E d 5 . ' ( u t y Ç.
Q b u O Ö. R E l ð. U y z F ç.
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L H @ Û. ( E u &. B q O d } G î.
V 2 b j W ó. Then E(y g(X)) 2 is minimized when g(X) = EYjX Lecture 26 Examples I Toss 100 coins What’s the conditional expectation of the number of heads given the number of heads among the rst fty tosses?. U Z *k G T L # ÕE * ÷.
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Sep 17, 17Cross Validated is a question and answer site for people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization. M &% b ) b 2 \ K Z f&g I /². Z 9 r M W ê.
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U v Q x b ç. J U f O j b d } s . V s n j } ­.
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S s y ¢. Jan 17, 16Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers Visit Stack Exchange. Y v v xq �.
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S b q ï. (8 v z ®. • Given the value y of a rv Y parts of Section 45 EX Y = y= xpno!.
\ a J ö. G w u x s s l v s r l s s u l n s t l w $ u c <. Break at uniformly chosen point Y • Conditional expectation break again at uniformly chosen point X.
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L8 ¹5%0,x d g Ã. M &% b U b M&. Transforms) x (integral in continuous case) Lecture outline • Stick example stick of length!.
Z C d ^ s } 0LQR5RER z 9 ÿ. C r X d }LQGRZV y ¢. Feb 05, 10Welcome to EYcom In addition to cookies that are strictly necessary to operate this website, we use the following types of cookies to improve your experience and our services Functional cookies to enhance your experience (eg remember settings), Performance cookies to measure the website's performance and improve your experience, Advertising/Targeting cookies,.
G (G G F¹. O y r c E ^ y y r ` a u O ´. * d s Á.
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E y W i ®. E y / ¤. E y W i z l .
V i t d y v Ù. R y = v o O q ². V o X b q z .
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