Y Bv Ozss
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Editions of the word board game Scrabble in different languages have differing letter distributions of the tiles, because the frequency of each letter of the alphabet is different for every language As a general rule, the rarer the letter, the more points it is worth Many languages use sets of 102 tiles, since the original distribution of one hundred tiles was later augmented with two blank. MAC5767_Lookne_with_cancerYAYA BOOKMOBI Œ °( /c 6W > Ew M T t bÖ jS q wm ~Å † ¿ •s E"¤Î$¬k&´r(»Ô*Ã8,ËOÒÊ0ÚÍ2á¸4é 6ð™8ø ÿ ÿ> ‘@ oB MD "VF )ÃH 1J 8öL @nN G±P OTR VÜT ^_V eùX m#Z s›\ zQ^ $` ‡ b d “Cf ˜íh žÇj ¤µl ª„n ²rp µÔr ¶Ðt ºLv ¾œx µ°z ÅÀ ó ~ ó8€ ól‚ ÜV„ ôúˆ õ Š fŒ &Ž '¶ /ž’ 7^” >÷– F§˜ N`š V. é jøz r g`hM¬ æw z V Öt ;b z Mvb \qUK b{V Ö1 l Ôw Ô ² pt ?.
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Boron nitride is a thermally and chemically resistant refractory compound of boron and nitrogen with the chemical formula BNIt exists in various crystalline forms that are isoelectronic to a similarly structured carbon lattice The hexagonal form corresponding to graphite is the most stable and soft among BN polymorphs, and is therefore used as a lubricant and an additive to cosmetic products. Fp> ½1°h ¡y³Øl½Pp ,da¶#‰À $½Éfiguª¨²½šma“H¾ eQil à (¶Ð é¢ô˜°ˆcub«êlö°ˆcuº indisolu¿ ¹¢x«9 1œÑibe¨pd y£Øø‘°¾â²O²O²O²O²O²O²JR¢úŠ³ O¡0¾ ¤nŒYaš Ó¼0JŽHmar Õ ²icre¼°€ŽŠ¼ø‹› Ó •·€d="ftr7" file¾ð=0€ ¼ìsiz¼è1"½ 9æ‚À="Georgia"ƒ. ¤ ² é ¥ b ~ ¸ ~ v ´ V Q j y ¯ R ² C Q ¤ Â é ¥ v Ø ~ h y ² é s  é S u W ~ ^ H s ¯ ¥ h i W N j d Ä ¤ ë é ¥ ¸ ~ O ¤ é é ¥ ^ \ f j u ~ ÿ b O 0 & u ¸ ~ y Ö ` ^ s W r X y r z u O k Q V } ¸ 8 ¨ C r z ¸ ¯ L ê b q ¯ T d X ¯ ¯ ê.
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