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ET ist ein Lied der USamerikanischen Sängerin Katy Perry ET Katy Perry feat Kanye West Veröffentlichung 16 Februar 11 Länge 351 Genre Pop, Elektropop, HipHop Autor Joshua Coleman, Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin, Katy Perry, Kanye West Album Teenage Dream.
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12 TUGboat, Volume 33 (12), No 1 The Amiri typeface Khaled Hosny In 1905, the famous Bulaq printing press in Cairo (also known as alAmiriya, the royal press) issued a new Arabic typeface as part of reviving the then moribund printing press This typeface later came to be one of the most widely used and highly regarded Arabic typefaces, even in. ì ð ì í ìD E >KE Z t d Z E ^ t Z ï õ ì ì 't ì ð ì ò õD W> tKK Z/ ' KE KD/E/hD^ ô ì 't ì ñ õ õ ñ^, Edz Z < rt d Z^ ^^K / d/KE í î ñ ì 't ì ò ð ô ñ^hE^ d dKZ , ^^K / d/KE ô ð 't ì ò ñ ò ôD E >KE Z t^ rd, ,/ & ð ì 't ì ò õ ï ñ> < tKK d ZZ ^^K / d/KE ï ò 't ò ð î í ïD Kt ZKK< D Z & />/dz í ñ ð 't } µ v Ç W Z E ì ì î ô ì. V l } o } p 3roldqd odfhugd gd 6loyd &dokhlurv í ì ï ì x î ô õ ð î î ó ì ï l ì ò l í õ ô ì.
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