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ê Ì g § É è µ ½ D è Í CFig D4 É ¦ · æ ¤ É Ü ¸ C } Î Ê ® ª D { H p O Ú ® « ê B ð n g Ý µ Ä Ý è ã ° C E Ì Þ ð ñ Ó è t ¯ é D É Ì { H T v ì º ü Katsumi Nomura 1 D Í ¶ ß É. Vandana Shiva and Radha Holla˙Bhar, “Piracy by Patent The Case of the Neem Tree” in Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith (eds), The Case of the Global Economy And For a Turn Toward the Local, San Francisco Sierra Club Books, 1996, pp , at. " f _ ^/Z rE } v o v À } v u v o v P v v P Z Z / v µ , EKd/ /Es/d/E' d E Z.
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The United States of America (USA), for short America or United States (US) is the third or the fourth largest country in the world It is a constitutional based republic located in North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Mexico and Canada There are 50 states and the District of Columbia US major rivers are Colorado, Mississippi and. õ î í , P Z ^ U } µ Cemetery Wester \berdour RISE Title Microsoft Word Plan Template Author nwatson Created Date 11/30/ 037 PM. Title Microsoft Word cipcvdoc Author chrisp Created Date 2/22/ AM.
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30/08/14 · I have downloaded php file of a website through path traversal technique, but when I opened the file with notepad and notepad I only get encrypted text Is. K V F r M G b » È µ ¡ @ u &ã/ ¦ d c L u "I 9 Û / x û ^ 7 * b u _6õ ¨ C b _ q#Ý I 7 * b u b 4 b S u b M _ ^ d ¾ 8 M ¹ B>0>2 º>1 v ¶% &k K 2 Ç ¥ Ç Û å ¯ ß Æ î >Ì >Ì >Ì >Þ>Ì u &ã/ GG2GWGdGQG=% >Ì >Ì '¨H 'v>Ì u &ã/ ¦ Fþ z mFø ö GeG{GIGG>Ì>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú>Ú. FÄ#Õ è µ fþ g" f jfég #Õ /wfÅ>Ì >Ùfífþ p bføgvgkg{gfg g b>Ù>Ì e ;î ¾ & h ¥ Û/¡ 1 (g 'g m ± Û>Ì"i õ m 5h >Ì %?.
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