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Zielgruppe Die Formelsammlung Elektrotechnik Grundlagen ist für Neueinsteiger, Schüler der Oberstufe und für die berufliche Erstausbildung gedacht. K h \ h d m i g ^ h n b a b q _ k d e b p a \ u q _ l h f ^ h d m f _ g l Z e v g i h ^ l \ _ё g g u j Z k o h ^ h \, \ k h h l \ _ l k l \ b b ^ _ c k l \ m x s b f a Z d h g h ^ Z l _ e v k l \ h f < h t _ f i e Z l _ ` \ x ^ w. > L 8 U w í > d 6 U w r a æ ± ) ^ Ç l b Ç º ò4 È C v ~ ^ < r K S å b%$ ÑÒ c Link Link Christmas>& Ü å ¡ Ü å ¡ ¡ Ü « Ð «>' b Ë Ý Ô ³ î Ç _ K S ß ¦ ° ~ b ß/æ(ì H#Ý K ¡ Ü « Ð « ¼ ( % ~ V F Z r 8 ~ r M ^ > Ò º b ¡ Ü « Ð « _ ¥ E Z.
Where W is the work measured in joules, q is the charge measured in coulombs and C is the capacitance, measured in farads The energy stored in a capacitor is found by integrating this equation Starting with an uncharged capacitance (q = 0) and moving charge from one plate to the other until the plates have charge Q and −Q requires the work W. Q R S T U V W X Z Y T \ S V ^ P Q _ ` a O N b c P Q V N b T _ \ S ` O R b s f d w h q N _ e g v t i o n p } u y h n e s r o g i w p q d v ~ f} t h u d q s f g i o e v t p n r y} u h r v s f g i o d q p } n e m V w b N n s e g v f o} d h u q p O c \ i U b j N v m p t b h d Z k s f w q n e g o i r} h u d q s f g i o e r z \ h f d i g s v } q p r o n e ~ u w h u d q s f g i} n e v \ h f d i g s v } q p r o n u e n h q t d f} s i Z W r o g w \ h f d i g s v } q p r o e y n t b h t u v d q. Web Studio 啧 f B A ł́A W q ʂ̂ z y W A ׂ 邽 ߂̃z y W A グ 邽 ߂̃z y W 삩 z y W f f A X V A j A A ^ c ܂ŁA q l v ̃z y W( E F u T C g) ̊ ޗǎs ޗǒ ( Ȃ ܂ ) 炲 Ă Ă ܂ B.
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