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Fba p ss oe 30a. If p ∈ (A×C)∩(B ×C), then p ∈ A×C and p ∈ B ×C, so p = (x,y) with x ∈ A and y ∈ C, and x ∈ B and y ∈ C This implies x ∈ A∩B and y ∈ C, so p = (x,y) ∈ (A∩B)×C This proves (A×C)∩(B ×C) ⊆ (A∩B)×C Together the two inclusions prove the claimed equality 1 2. ¸ ´3 mA1 ) ß Õ üF« ß x}O è Ý @ "F @0 EÜ B 0?A È 100Ru @ @0 EÓ/cSiaLy99 æ W¦ N@C, Å1 £ F167ÂF Ã% , B 312 y * Wã Ê @ Ò1 ½ ÇÉ Û1ì ( W 00 x}O ôé0?B¾ r, ñ¤¾ F O 0ÒB 0 °5. ø Ä 3 1 2 7 3 1 3 2 Å È.
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