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If a body's speed is a significant fraction of the speed of light, it is necessary to use relativistic mechanics to calculate its kinetic energyIn special relativity theory, the expression for linear momentum is modified With m being an object's rest mass, v and v its velocity and speed, and c the speed of light in vacuum, we use the expression for linear momentum =, where = / /. ì A W A M Ñ É ¨ ¯ é A ª î Ý µ ½ ® A ¨ U Ò ¤ ¶ n Ì ½ l « Ì i » Evolution of biodiversity in a sixparty insectplant symbiosis mediated by antplant Macaranga in Southeast Asian tropics ¤ Ò Ô F Q O P V U Q X P s ì @ ² Y iITINO, Takao j M B å w E w p ¤ @ w n E ³ ö ¤ ú Ô F Q Q Q T T O O P 32,600,000 ~ scale insects) and parasites (butterflies, bugs, gall midges. P(AA)=(p ½ q)2= (u ½ v)2 ½ 2(u ½ v)( ½ v w) 2 =(u ½ v) (u ½ v) ( ½ v w) 2 =(u ½ v)( u v w )2 =(u ½ v)( 1 )2 =u ½ v2 = p the same as generation 2 Similarly, in generation 3 P()=q and P(aa)=r Equilibriumis reached after one generation of mating under the Hardy‐Weinberg assumptions Genotype frequencies remain the same from generation to.
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