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Lipps Inc (/ l ɪ p s ɪ ŋ k / lipsink) was an American disco and funk group from Minneapolis, MinnesotaThe group was best known for the charttopping 1980 worldwide hit single "Funkytown" which hit No 1 in 28 different countries around the world and was certified as doubleplatinum in sales The group originally consisted of lead vocalist Cynthia Johnson and a changing lineup of. ¹ X i ^ M { !. ¹ B º v ¥ ¡ ¦ » d 6ä0¿ ¹ B º v ¥ ±70 ¦ » d 6ä0¿ ¹ B º v ¥ 2 Ç ¡&à 3Z& 6 } S% 2 Ç l f ¹ B º v ¥ w7H2 õ% 2 Ç l&ã/ K ¡&à 3Z& 6 } S w7H2 õ% 2 Ç \ M ¹ B º v ¥ & ¸ ¦ » d 6ä0¿ !.
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