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Single "ÉLÉPHANT" disponible partout https//CapitolMusiclnkto/ElephantAlbum "Nero Nemesis" toujours disponible https//CapitolMusiclnkto/NeroNe.
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Title Microsoft PowerPoint MALLETTE VOYAGEUSE Author nwatigny Created Date 6/12/19 AM. Æ Â v Ì { Æ ¿ á ¢ é Ç ¯ 6(' · é É d H 1¤* '¼ XH £'z XH >ß>â G p X >ß>á m >å>ã>Ú>Þ>Ñ h È V d W W \ Y G ` q O q z l r d W & Á q v s q q O d } ^ O z Æ v s ö è n q ¨ b q O q > ` ¸ ñ y ö V U O q O d } s s b q j ¨ s b q b n V b q O d } l n s V y U c s ð b j Î º ã u Î W M b j } ë 0 & Ç Î ¢ · v V. é É é dlouhé é é s čárkou Other features of the day included spelling j as g and v as w, as the early modern Latin alphabet had not by then distinguished j from i or v from u Diacritic orthography Introduced probably by Jan Hus Using diacritics for long vowels ("virgula", an acute, "čárka" in Czech) and "soft" consonants ("punctus rotundus", a dot above a letter, which has.
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