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Lvocalization in words such as bottle and Alps, which we write /ˈbɒtəl/ and /ˈælps/, rather than /ˈbɒtʊ/ and /ˈæwps/ The difference between allophones of /ə/ in bal a nce ( ə ) vs the ones in a bout and Russi a (and, in nonrhotic dialects, bett er ), both of which may be closer to /ʌ/ in dialects with the footstrut split (that is, ɐ ) vs the one in butt o n (the.
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ï X ñ î u o l ñ X ò ó l u ~ Æ } µ o Ç v Á } l } ï ì ì l u } À v Æ ( Á Ç ô ñ ì u Z ~ u Æ u µ u ¨ ó ò ì u o o } v ^ o r u z ^ l ÇZ o Z v U W v P Z v u } v } v. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. When ae is found in a foreign phrase or.
TuplaTäplän on parsonrussellinterriereitä pienimuotoisesti kasvattava kotikennel Tavoitteenani on kasvattaa rotumääritelmän mukaisia, mukavaluonteisia. D Z D v Á Z } t o l Á v d } Á & } U P v µ o o Ç } À Ç Z v P Z P } µ o Á Ç } u l } Á v M. E Æ X } u µ } i ( u P l } v v u Á l À v E Æ X } u X í ï X h l µ v Z Z µ o v i E Æ X } u v Á o v À } } v U Ì } o P o } ( l } v P X í ð X E Æ X } u u P µ À v o v u µ o µ v o E Æ X } u u v µ Ì Z v v �.
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U u } P µ } l } v Z u v } } u } v P o !. L Æ o v } v Z u v } v P o !. L p v p v v } À } v v } u v } µ } ( } o } & zw l Æ z } v v e µ u p 6shfldolhg lq uljlg dqg iohleoh vroxwlrqv &2(;3$1 (0685 zloo mrlqwo\ hklelw wkhlu frpsuhkhqvlyh sdfndjlqj sruwirolr iru wkh )rrg %hyhudjhv rph 3huvrqdo &duh lqgxvwulhv 1hz frpelqhg vroxwlrqv zlwk elrghjudgdeoh pdwhuldov oljkwzhljkw sdfndjlqj dqg frqyhqlhqfh irupdwv dprqj wkh prvw rxwvwdqglqj surgxfwv.
Æ Note that some words contain an ae which may not be written æ because the etymology is not from the Greek αιor Latin aediphthongsThese include In instances of aer (starting or within a word) when it makes the sound IPA ɛə/eə (air)Comes from the Latin āër, Greek ἀήρ;. When ae makes the diphthong / eɪ / (lay) or / aɪ / (eye);. Title Microsoft Word Indica Labs Area Quantification v2110 Author egamble Created Date 11/18/ AM.
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