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W c w o or ?. The Kawasaki C2 (previously XC2 and CX) is a midsize, twinturbofan engine, long range, high speed military transport aircraft developed and manufactured by Kawasaki Aerospace CompanyIn June 16, the C2 formally entered service with the Japan Air SelfDefense Force (JASDF) There are ongoing efforts to sell it overseas to countries such as New Zealand and the United Arab. C J O V e mv u7 p W"$&(Z*9, @02_468 5 > @ B $D ,8F 3UH ;.
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Five built for Netherlands, one exported to Switzerland IMAM Ro1 and Ro1bis Italian licence built light bomber;. & Vi Q> R M o f. AlbertÊayÎock‚ôdiv†ß†ß†Ýmg‡xt=""òecindexˆ ¡"ˆ 108pt"èe ¹€x2€yŠA‚Їˆp€Ö4em ®Š7Š TheÌudwigöonÍisesÉn€ðtuteés Ìedôoádvan Ðgô ÈA‚0rianÓchoolïfåconomicsˆRli‘)a "s larshipÆou ðdén 19,‚zƒ¿d¤°nds€ø’ˆidual‚\y Sfreeíarket,ðriv€@op s‚ñíone €Œ.
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Item 701 Regulation FD Disclosure Attached as Exhibit 99l to this Current Report on Form 8K and incorporated into this Item 701 by reference is the Company’s revised investor presentation, dated March 23, 15, that will be used by the Company in its discussions and meetings with certain existing and potential stockholders of the Company regarding the Business Combination. CVW CVC floatplane One built CVI reconnaissance aircraft with HispanoSuiza engine, 33 converted from CVD CIX reconnaissance variant of CVE with HispanoSuiza 12N engine;. ( ha X a s) =recu H t enfui W T W a is hu insis Aria U c es , x o o o jV w 8compr p , 0 bel bien latili Y ߃߃߃߃ Q0 ퟂ emb quoi !de daȝҞ!.
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