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Nov 03, 10 · Let G = (X, Y;. C g Z N g V b v @ I i h 930 TOMBOLINI @ X c A W P b g A R f C W A W P b g ׁB. G ~(ì ó » _ V&g K *Ë ( b 1 l b 3ñ W W S )E)F Ã î ¯ ¿ Ý í Ð ¿ ª Ó å º í Ñ ¼ î >& Ç ¦7T z &>' _'ö#*Ë ( t45 K S 0d 'ö#*Ë ( P1ß \ K Z Ç ¦*ñ B x g'g D Ø _6õ M Ð ¿ ª Ó å º'¼ ¸ î Ð \ K S 0b º n K S >` >.
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E) be a bipartite graphThen the following conditions are equivalent 1 G is a difference graph with bipartition (X, Y);. 3 the vicinal preorder is linear on X (equivalently on Y);. G ߂̃C X g s Ȃǂ̑f ނ Ń_ E h ł ܂ u ۂ ̕ v G ߂̃C X g @ A w A q ̓.
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