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CY 18 >ß>ß >ä>åCountry and Contract(CY18) FY 18 >ß>á Imported Crude Oil Value(CIF) by Domestic Sales of Petroleum Products by Country and Contract(FY18) Month >ä>å >ß>ã Shipped Quantity,FOB,Freight and Import and Export of Petroleum Products Insurance by Country (CY18) >å>Ü >å>Ý Import by Month >ß>å Shipped. /² 1 Û#Õ b Y ó í N s b Æ u*ËG W ¶Fþ4 2° >á>Ý>Ú>á 5 FúFùFþ Û >Þ>Ý>Ú>ß m Ç'¼FøFþ P Ç6õ >Ý>ã>Ú>ã) í e8 H 0£G Û2 G G{G G '¼H >Ý>â>Ú>á. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9;.
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