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And g(x) = xand g(y) = y It is clear that fand gare continuous and X f=g = fxgwhich is open 4(53) Let Xbe a set Show that the smallest topology ˝on Xsuch that Xis T 1 is the nite complement topology ˝ FC Proof I can only prove under ˝ FC, Xis T 1 Since Xis T 1 if and only if every singleton. K h j l j» k h < j ?. One can check that these are satis ed by the axioms for the eld F (b) If u is algebraic then let f(x) 2Kx be the minimal polynomial for u over K Recall that K(u) ˘= Kx=hf(x)iis a vector space over K of dimension n = degf Let V K(u) be the subspace spanned by f1;u;u2;u3;g.
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