Y Vgwa Pu
Title Microsoft Word 㠤㠳㠿㠼㠳㠷ã ã 㠧㠮å å ¥ã docx Author shimo Created Date 2/25/19 PM.
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1999, PL 106–170 (“the Act”) The notice provides specific procedures for these taxpayers to follow in order to qualify for the penalty relief BACKGROUND Section 571 of the Act amends § 6655 of the Internal Revenue Code by adding new subsection (e)(5) This subsection provides that any dividend that is received. S y M L ¸ & v p Z Õ ë ¿ z Ü · y Í F õ u E A / j y ò u b q O d }&'3 y Q u Ì í v b n V s b j ¦ s S y M ¹ · ß ñ Æ z )  y ´ ´ X u Ì ² C b Í F õ u Æ y, v û r d } Ü · z ³ Õ ç ¢ ¿ ¥ ñ v U \ ß ± v " c j ê ¬ y p ñ O ¯. ¯ { § å Å è µ x z4QSJOH 4VNNFS t ¾ V V z Ñ å ë Þ ½ Ñ X Ö z ¾ d ¦ å t A h à ² ï t Í ` h { Þ Å è µ w Ö Y Ì 8 x ¤ 3 t s b w p z Ä ` X x Ú.
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Title Microsoft Word Covid19OutputJapan_Note_2106 Author taisu Created Date 2/6/21 AM. · p a X Í ¢ ² z ¤ æ M x · q ï s Ë j Ú ` A ¤ æ p K G U Î q j t S Z É å w é ù t § M T z Í ¢ p t ) U \ a o M { h z j p x z ± $ s Ä « p V _ { f N p x ² å z ´ Ë w · z å È p Ë ² w Í ¢ p f N ¶ p x N Ð s Ý ¯ ¡ Ë {. ÚL1 È = µ Ó å ï ;.
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