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What to Know Ie is an abbreviation for the phrase id est, which means "that is"Ie is used to restate something said previously in order to clarify its meaningEg is short for exempli gratia, which means "for example"Eg is used before an item or list of items that serve as examples for the previous statement. Oracle_Fusiorols12c_1213¬#·¬#¸BOOKMOBI ó y /Ü 7Ô > Cæ Iy O T‚ YÔ ^ö dø jD o¸ w ~W º Œ¿ “¢"› $¡ä&©(¯n*¶ ,»©Áá0Èu2Ï«4Öç6ݼ8å ì ó >ú!@ µB qD êF sH —J # L *2N 1/P 8¾R @ T GUV N™X UþZ \ª\ cú^ k9` r2b yhd €ãf ˆ h Žÿj •ül —n ¥*p «þr ²t ¹ v À&x ÆÜz Î Õ ~ Ü'€ ã;‚ êo„ ñÖ† ø ˆ ÿÆŠ 7Œ ÝŽ 6 Ö. Title Microsoft Word ç äº é ·å£°æ ver ã ³ã ã ¼ Author user04 Created Date 4/9/ PM.
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