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Title Microsoft Word 2864a_ZRH_ZusammenfassungEXTERNdocx Author db Created Date 11/13/17 PM.
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Title Microsoft PowerPoint Descriptive Writing Booklet 6 Elements Author ghammonds Created Date 4/13/ PM. í E Á } } v ' o v Á } } ~ ï í í r í í î ó î v À o o Z } v ~ ð í í r ì õ ï ï E } Á o l ^ X W µ o ~ ð õ r í õ î ð o Z } ^ X } Z v ~ í í ì r í ó ô ñ D } P } ó r í ó ï. R o g n C X ނŒ A X e X ̌ ɍœK ł B y p r z X e X p( 15mm ȉ ̌ ) B y @ \\ E z Z p r b g ̗p l X ȃh { ̂ɑΉ ܂ B V N ̒ Ƀo l Ă A k P J X n ɋl ܂炸 A Ƃ o ܂ B V N F o l Z ^ s d l B y ގ z n F R o g n C X B Z p F45C B Z ^ s F n C X B V g ̃V g Z ~ j z \\ DCM I C ł͔̔ Ă ܂ B ̑ ̐ H i h j 戵 Ă ܂ B i T C Y( ) F 8 75 s8(mm) B d ( ) F21(g) B T C Y F8mm B R o g n C.
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