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Title (Relat rio Focus) Author dstatluciana Created Date 7/31/ PM. C í M M > m 8 K r K { Z X T í t T Y ?. Heat Capacity 4 Atkins – Ex 24(b) (heat expansion) A sample consisting of 0 mol of perfect gas molecules, for which CV,m = 5/2R, initially at P1 = 111 kPa and T1 = 277 K, is heated reversibly to 356 K at constant volume.
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L J/100 Î n = 461 Distribución Binomial Negativa Una variable aleatoria binomial negativa satisface lo siguiente 1 Intentos Bernulli independientes 2 La probabilidad de éxito (p) es constante 3 El experimento continua hasta que un total r de éxitos sean observados (r>0). ß ì Ô ë Nice Features of Adaboost • Very general a metaprocedure, it can use any weak learning algorithm!!!. ISO/IEC 646 is the name of a set of ISO standards, described as Information technology — ISO 7bit coded character set for information interchange and developed in cooperation with ASCII at least since 1964 Since its first edition in 1967 it has specified a 7bit character code from which several national standards are derived ISO/IEC 646 was also ratified by ECMA as ECMA6.
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